FAB Minutes 9th January 2014
Minutes of the FAB Meeting 9th January 2014
at Cabrera Lawn Bowling Club
at 1430
Jan Dando (JD), David Ebdon (DE), Ruth Compton (RuC) Doreen Hall (DH), Sue Mannall (SM), Diane Saunders (DS), Stuart Beetham (SB)
1 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from David Jenkins, John Fitzgerald, and Dave Green.
Janey Leggate had handed in her letter of resignation from the committee which as acknowledged with thanks for her contribution over recent years. Mo deBoer is to replace JL as representative for Indalo B.C. but sent her apologies for this meeting.
Stuart Beetham was welcomed to his first meeting as a representative for Almeria B.C.
2 Minutes of the last Meeting
The Minutes of the meeting held on 3rd September 2013 were agreed. Proposed by DS seconded by DE and signed by JD.
3 Matters Arising
Ref item 5c. JS reported that Cabrera LBC Committee was not happy that the venue for the Mixed Triples could be moved from CLBC for September 2014 as it felt their green should not be condemned so far in advance.
RuC explained that some of the reasons for bowlers, especially ladies, not wanting to play on the grass is because the delivery is totally different. On carpet it is touch bowling and to then bowl on a heavy grass surface can cause physical problems and should a committee of umpires be asked to inspect Cabrera´s green they might not allow it to be bowled on.
JD said that no-one wanted to condemn this green but the Mixed Triples is the biggest entry competition and if entries are reduced because of the surface we will lose out financially which we cannot afford to do. The combined calendar has been drawn up to ensure competition dates are available for everyone therefore venues are available at any of the clubs involved.
JD agreed for this matter to be discussed at the next meeting when a decision will be made.
Ref 10a The Mixed Triples the prize money was provided by Scottsdale Overseas Investments and Iceland vouchers were given as prizes for the Singles and Pairs. For both competitions we raised money from very successful raffles and thanks were recorded to Di Saunders and Gill Cooper whose efforts in selling tickets made a huge difference.
4 Financial Report
In his absence DJ had advised JD that there were no changes to the Financial report from the last meeting.
JD reported that she had requested all clubs to produce invoices for 2013 competitions on FAB headed paper emailed them off and was then informed by Tony Winterton that they have to be on the Clubs’ headed paper. This has now been done and will be sent off again to claim against the available 2000€. Umpires expenses were not included on this occasion but will be in future. Señor Nieto, the FAB President, is keeping a complete paper trail.
Future invoices for competitions will drawn up at the agreed 50€ a session basis.
5 Competitions Report
DE said the entry for the Pairs competition had been very low. The next competition is the FAB Fours to be held at Almeria BC entry forms have been distributed. Umpires are required.
JD asked why Almeria BC And Cabrera LBC have so few entries in the Singles and Pairs SB said Almeria BC members were not aware of FAB competitions as there has been no announcements on the green. He said he would make sure people´s attention is drawn to them in future. JS said that it could be because the dates include a club morning.
From both clubs memberships are down when snowbirds and short term memberships were taken into account.
RuC suggested the possibility of an inter-club competition to attract more people. The Sunday Bonanza competition held at Almeria BC on occasional Sundays was very popular and thought to be because it was a drawn open competition whereby members of different clubs can play with each other.
DH asked if consideration could be made for the Spanish Nationals to be put back to September instead of May and asked why they always take place in Valencia. It was thought that for them to take place in September could conflict with all the regional calendars. RuC to bring this up at the next Lawn Bowls Directorate meeting.
6 FEB Matters
a Licence Fees
There is now a double level licence fee which can potentially put an impact on the Nationals. We do not know why Valencia licence fees are different from ours. Valencia pay 15€ and we pay 18€ for regional fees and they pay 25€ against our 34€ for National fees. It has been agreed therefore that those who want a National licence for 2014 will pay 25€ and we will pay the 9€ difference. Based on last year´s figures the cost will be approximately 450€. This arrangement is available for everyone for this year as next year the fees have been set nationally for all forms of bowling but we do not yet know what the fees are going to be.
7 FAB Programme
a National Grass Green Fours venue
JS said Cabrera LBC were still hoping to hold this competition in June. Their Green 2 has not been bowled on for 6 months it is heavy but they hope it will be ready in time. DE said the competition used to be very popular but entries have gone right down. JD said there is only 4 months to go and we need a minimum of 3 months to prepare for the competition. JS to let JD know on Monday
b 3-2-1
Poster and entry forms to be distributed.
c FAB AGM Membership
The Andalucian AGM is attended by JD as the Delegate Indalo BC, RuC as players member Almeria BC and DE as Competitions Secretary member Indalo BC. From Indalo BC either RuC or DE stays on the committee but we need a representative from either Cabrera LBC or Almeria BC to replace RuC who will no longer be representing Almeria BC. The AGM takes place in November near Jaen and it should be noted that the language d in the Andalucian region.
d Andalucian Championships
This competition is taking place at Indalo from 27th September for 5 days. There is no information on these championships in Malaga. We need to get a poster out to everyone in our region.
Teams play Mens Singles, Ladies Singles, Mens Pairs, Ladies Pairs and a Mixed rinks of any combination.
Green fees will be 500€. Prizes of a minimum of 20€ for winners and 10€ for Runners up amount to 300€. Entry fees to be 6€ per person per discipline.
Iberian Funeral Plans and Scottsdale Overseas Investments to be asked if they would be interested in sponsorship.
JD to approach Iceland from whom we bought vouchers for prizes for the Singles and Pairs to see if they would be interested in sponsorship. We will get a poster out to everyone in ACTION JD/SM
RuC reported that the Markers Course is ongoing. The exam has had to be put back to February and everyone will be advised of the new dates.
RuC has changed the Coaches Levels of achievement. There is now a Bronze Level for Instructors and a Silver Level which designates significant areas of achievement and Gold Level being Head Coach level.
Congratulations to Denis Stoyles for being the first to qualify at Silver Level .
RuC has written all the training and coaching manuals and this has been accepted by the English BOA.
JD recorded congratulations to RuC for this achievement and a big thank you for all the hard work she puts in behind the scenes.
DH asked and discussion to place on some clarification on Umpires rights on foot faulting.
9 Social Report
a Annual Dinner
The Annual Dinner has been booked at Miraflores on Friday 28th March 1900 for 1930 at therefore the ticket price will be 15€ per head. We will be hiring John Lodge for music entertainment payment for which can be covered by a raffle. Tables of 8 were a popular choice for seating arrangements.
JD to produce a poster.
10 Any Other Business
a DH Asked why Ladies Pairs and Ladies Singles were both being held at Almeria BC in 2014. It was explained that this was because the competition venues have been shared evenly between all clubs.
DH asked why these competitions were no longer played by play by dates as she thought many would prefer not to play two games in one day. JD explained that this format of play would not work because it would incur green fees for each individual game.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 1710.
11 Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for 1430 on Thursday 13th March 2014 to be held at Indalo BC.