2008 Ladies Federation Pairs
Fifty-two ladies, twenty-six pairs from all local clubs took part in this annual competition at the Almeria Lawn Bowling Club from 19th until 22nd November.
On Wednesday, a lovely sunny day, the preliminary rounds of five games in the morning and five in the afternoon were played resulting together with the three games who were fortunate to receive byes in eight games taking part in the first round proper on Thursday 20th starting at 1400. In contrast to the previous day, the weather was abysmal with rain of different levels threatening whether the games should continue. Competitors were given the option of retiring after twelve ends were played with the result standing at that point. Only two games took the option. Although the rain continued the greens were still in a non-dangerous condition, thanks to the hard work of Almeria’s green staff, Terry Rodgers and Joe Pemberton. Thankfully all remaining games were completed.
Friday 21st the quarter finals took place in the morning with two inter club games namely from Indalo and Cabrera. The Indalo game was between Betty Mullin and Babs Davies against Elspeth Marlow and Triss Seymore resulting in the former mentioned pair winning resoundingly 20/ 6. Two other games were one way events between the Cabrera pairs Margaret Schofield and Lyn Stoyles playing the winners Doreen Hall and Pat Marsh 25/3. Judy Abel and Janice Brewster, ex Almeria players now playing for Cabrera beat the strong pair of Lena Steenstrup and Chris Ivin from Indalo 28/7. It must be said, the losing players definitely did not play anywhere near their usual potential. The forth game was between new player from Almeria, Gill Atkinson and Jenny Thompson against Chris Dedman and Jan Johnson. The Almeria pair were 13/0 ahead after eight ends, however the experience pair from Indalo fought hard to take the lead at the seventeenth end 19/16 and although one more shot on the last end was won by The Almeria couple, it was not enough to win the game.
The afternoon now in glorious sunshine the semi- finals took place. With the talent on show an exciting afternoon was expected. Both games were one sided affairs with the Cabrera team Doreen and Pat beating the Indalo couple Jenny and Chris 20/6 the remaining semi-final between Cabrera’s Judy and Janice who beat the Indalo pair Betty and Babs 28/4.
This set the scene for Saturday afternoon final between the two very talented Cabrera pairs. Doreen Hall and Pat Marsh were unstoppable in their quest to beat their fellow club members, Judy Abel and Janice Brewster. Judy and Janice retired after fourteen ends with score at 20/4. If there were a prize for in my opinion the best player, it would go hands down to Pat who played consistently well throughout the competition. Well done to Doreen and Pat for they’re impressive win.
Vic Parsons
Federation PR