April Report 2009
After the hectic past couple of months everything settles into a very quiet time, with lots of ‘Snowbirds’ going home. .
April 6th and 7th five teams of mixed triples took part in the Mountain Challenge Cup held at Cabrera B.C. Only John and Christina Fitzgerald with Ian Brierley reached the semi final stage but unfortunately couldn’t quite make it to go further. It was very refreshing to see a team from La Mata B.C. Martin and Josi Gee with Tony Ashworth beat very competent bowlers from Indalo B.C.
The annual Federation Rinks played between ALBC, Cabrera and Indalo commenced on Tuesday 14th April, where games of three teams home and three away are played against each other. The first played between Cabrera and Almeria. Unfortunately due to shortage of players, mainly Snowbirds who have gone to UK, we were only able to field 5 teams. Of these only one of them, Graham and Catherine Patrick, Joan Parsons and David Allen won. Unfortunately the next game between Indalo B.C. due to take place on Tuesday 21st was postponed with new date undecided?
Good Friday, 10th April was the last Almeria open competition of 2009 spring period, the Millennium Trophy. Sixteen teams from all local clubs played a round robin comprising of three games over ten ends. Points were scored for ends won and of course for winning their games. Honours were shared when six pairs out of the first eight were Almeria teams, one each from La Mata and Cabrera. Winners were Graham and Catherine Patrick, John Barlow and John Fitzgerald. Runners up were a team from Cabrera, Stuart and Jean Whearty with Tony Millington and Trevor Robinson, third were Joe and Norma Pemberton, Jim Pike and Terry Rodgers.
Jim Pike thanked Joe Pemberton for his hard work in organising the competition and asked him to announce the cash prizes for the leading three teams in the frame. Christina Fitzgerald was then asked to present these, only just in time before the heavens opened.
The following day panic set in when Terry Rodgers and Joe Pemberton found we had a problem with Green 1. It was feared we were going to suffer a repeat of last year, when the green died off in just a few weeks. Fortunately Anthony Jackson was immediately on the case. He discovered that a crust of solid sand was preventing the irrigation water from doing its job. Operation Rescue Green was put into operation. Cabrera were kind enough to let us use their ‘Hollowtine’ machine that digs tubes of sand and grass about thee inches long from the entire green. Terry and Joe with help of our Captain, Jim Pike worked extremely hard and went into action to treat both greens. A request went out to for members to turn out early on Friday 17th to spread, rake sand and clear of any stones etc.on the greens. Thirteen members, the youngest aged 59, the eldest 79, with an average of 69 years set to work. Thanks are also in order for two of Anthony’s team, Ray and Chris for helping transport the sand. Completed the job early afternoon and a very satisfied team retired to the bar for a deserving drink. We now look forward to bowling on our two greens once again.
The final competition at ALBC before the summer took place on 23rd April, St Georges Day, to celebrate the occasion. Terry Rodgers organised the sixty members and friends to have a mixture of rinks and triples over three games of six ends. Every player was allocated a number and after each game new selection of numbers was made to make up the teams. The weather was great as was the enthusiasm of everyone who took part. Terry worked frantically to find the members who had finished in the frame before everyone retired to a superb barbeque in the new patio area of Miraflores. Prizes were awarded to winner, Richard Swain a new bowler, Joe Pemberton and tied for third were Brian Moss, a casual bowler and John Fitzgerald.
Bengiman had ensured we had enough tables to accommodate all. The food was good, the music, Lodge and Lucas was as ever superb. Thanks to Bengy and all catering and bar staff for their very hard work in making sure this was a successful event.
The last competition of the month was the Federation Fours at Cabrera when our main success was Gill Atkinson, Jenny Thompson, Les Pratchet and John Compton who reached the quarterfinals.
Finally our illustrious captain, Jim Pike, would like me to convey many thanks to Catherine Patrick, Norma Pemberton, May Bush and Sandra Bain for their hard work over the winter months running the ‘ Miraflores Car Boot Sale’ They raised close to 900 Euros. Thanks also to the contribution of things to sell by members and back up work, transporting the equipment and goods done by all concerned. Other monies raised were on the lottery when thanks to Glenis Atkinson we made 19 Euros each week.
Well that s it folks until the autumn, however I might be able to give some news on the summer activities. Don’t forget to visit our web site, www.bowlingalmeria.com for this report and supporting photographs.
Vic Parsons