2015 FEB Minutes
Please be aware that these minutes are displayed prior to ratification at the
July 2015 meeting and are, therefore,
subject to change.
Sue Mannall
F.A.B. (Almeriénse) Secretary
12th March 2015
Minutes of the FAB Extra-Ordinary Meeting
of 8th January 2015
held at Cabrera Lawn Bowling Club at 1730
Jan Dando (JD), Sue Mannall (SM), Dave Jenkins (DJ), Ruth Compton (RuC), Doreen Hall (DH), John Sephton (JS), Doreen Hall (DH), Mo De-Boer (MdB), Doreen Sands (DS), Di Saunders (DiS), Tony Millington (AM). Dave Green (DG), Colin Sear – Mazarron BC, Chris Brown (CB), John Fitzgerald – Almeria BC.
1 Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
Dave Green expressed unreservedly his apologies for being absent from the last two meetings. This apology was accepted and most appreciated.
2 Minutes of the last Meeting
The Minutes were agreed and signed by JD.
2 Delegate
JD explained that this meeting had been called for only one agenda item to be discussed. She said that after much soul-searching over recent weeks she would be resigning as FAB (Almeriense) delegate and would be advising John Muldoon and Snr, Nieto by email tomorrow.
The committee agreed that JD had done more for bowling than anyone and would be extremely difficult to replace for which thanks and appreciation were recorded.
JD said the Licence fees to date have been paid in and gave DJ receipts.
We have 20 Almeria regional and 14 Mazarron nationals, from Indalo 8 nationals and 42 regional licenses and from Mojacar 4 regional.
Cabrera since have a further 8 regional and 20 national licences but JD explained that when this meeting had been called there were only 2 from Cabrera. We have worked hard to get back a healthy bank balance and have a sponsor for all competitions this year. We have tried to get the Grass Green Fours off the ground and to help boost entries for the 3.2.1 given free entry. The lack of entries to the Rinks competition was extremely disappointing.
Even though everyone had been kept up to date with all information and emails JD had received there was still confusion by some as to whether they wanted to affiliate with a regional or national licence.
Questioning who would be chairing future meetings JD said she would be contactable but would leave that decision to the officers of the committee.
JD said her letter of resignation would be sent out tomorrow.
The meeting closed at 1800 hrs.
Minutes of the FAB Meeting 12th March 2015
held at Indalo Bowling Club
at 1430
Ruth Compton (RuC), Sue Mannall (SM), Dave Jenkins (DJ), John Mannall (JM), Doreen Hall (DH), John Sephton (JS), Doreen Sands (DS), Di Saunders (DiS),Chris Brown, (CB) John Fitzgerald (JF).
RuC opened the meeting and explained that since Jan Dando`s resignation as F.A.B (Almeriense) Delegate the Officers of the Committee decided to rotate the Chair for future meetings between herself, John Mannall and Dave Jenkins until other arrangements are in place. Everyone was in agreement with this decision.
1 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Dave Green.
Tony Millington had advised the committee after the last meeting that he was stepping down from the F.A.B. committee and Mojacar BC had decided that only one rep would be representing Mojacar BC being DiS.
2 Minutes of the last Meeting
The Minutes of the last meeting are included herewith.
3 Matters Arising
Ref Item 5:
JF agreed to represent Almeria BC with CB at future meetings.
Since the meeting JF has negotiated with the management of ABC to reduce their green fees for visitors to 5€ in line with other clubs.
4 Financial Report
DJ went through the Financial Report. To date there is a healthy balance of 2,514.28€.
The matter regarding Licences was discussed as there had been some confusion regarding affiliation.
5 Competition Report
JM said the Rinks competition had to be cancelled owing to the green being flooded for one whole day and there was not enough time to re-schedule.
The 3-2-1 entry is on noticeboards with closing date of 16th March and asked for entries to be given in as soon as possible after that date.
EJQ Services are sponsoring all FAB competitions this year, except the Mixed Triples which is sponsored by Liberty Seguros.
F.E.B. Grass Green Fours information is being sent out today.
RuC said the new Law Books will be distributed at the Umpires meeting after which they will be available to everyone. They are 3€ each, clubs to pay the money to DJ.
There has been a recent Umpires course and JM and DS are now qualified Umpires.
Also a Markers Course, David Northway, Rod Dougal and Ken Richardson are now qualified Markers.
From the Coaching course the Bronze award has been achieved by Chris Ewer, Rod Band and Trevor Young.
Several bowlers from France who come to Almeria for the winter took these courses as there is no training available in France. They will be honorary members and full members of CAUMA and can be called on when required.
CAUMA shirts will be available on 21st March.
Changes to the Rule Book have been sent out to everyone. Among other things it was noted that the foot-faulting rule has been relaxed.
Any Other Business
RuC said Jan Dando had done an outstanding job as the F.A.B. Delegate, she had been extremely conscientious, put in a huge amount of work and given so much of here personal time. It was a great loss to the federation. This was acknowledged by everyone and in appreciated formally recorded.
SM explained the Singles and & Pairs competitions in November have been re-scheduled to make it easier to provide Markers and Umpires and for everyone to be aware of these changes on the updated Combined Calendar. A meeting for Calendar Secretaries to be arranged.
Regarding the Andalucian Championships, DH asked if we had any news on accommodation from Malaga. SM said she had asked but still waiting to hear from them as soon as any information is received this will be circulated to the committee.
DH suggested that because there are so few going to the Spanish Nationals this year and dates are available in the calendar could we hold an alternative competition between our regional clubs. It was agreed a good idea and suggested that a competition with teams of 4 playing a threes discipline would make it easier for each team to be able to play on all surfaces. The competition would be self sufficient paying out green fees and prize money according to entry money. Most convenient days between 9th and 24th May to be identified in the calendar. This to go back to club committees for their approval. FAB reps to confirm as soon as possible.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 1550 hrs..
Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting to be held at Almeria LBC on Thursday 27th July at 1430 hrs .
Signed …………………………………………… Dated ……………………………………