December Report 2006
The Chris Robb Drawn Pairs is the first club competition since we were victorious in the Division of Honour, We are still on a high.
Eighty entries ready to do battle, beginning on Thurs Nov 23rd at 2pm, this being a random draw saw some very interesting pairs.
Thursday and Fridays bowling eliminated one or two favoured pairs after some close games, one of the closest being that of Norma Pemberton and Thelma Gamble narrowly losing by the last shot of the game 21-20 to John Stakes and Alan Terry.
The semi-finalists were Ian Brewster & David Brannon versus Peter Steenstrup & Ann Mason. John Stakes & Alan Terry versus Roy Tonkin & newcomer John Fitzgerald.
Two nail-biting games, the first one being Brewster & Brannon 16-20 down at the 17th end and can you believe it, scoring a 5 to literally sneak into the final.
The second semi was also a thriller with Tonkin & Fitzgerald winning 19-18.
The Final, and what a final it turned out to be.
Great bowling from all parties, 8-2 for Brewster & Brannon after four ends and still in the lead at ten ends, 15-8
Now for the fight back, three singles and a four for Tonkin & Fitzgerald, 15-15
Game on.
Tonkin & Fitzgerald with heads down and full concentration scored two 2s, then a 5 at the 17th end, and the spectators were applauding a great final.
Almeria L.B.C played host to the Inter club Champion of Champions on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the first week in December.
A super three days of competition with every Champion, Male and Female, capable of carrying off the Trophy, but as we say in bowling circles “It’s all on the Day”
This day the Championship Trophy belongs to Maggie Holmes from Indalo B.C. with our own Peggy Pinn taking the prize for runner- up. Well done everyone!
A big thank-you to all the spectators for your support.
Thanks to the 14 volunteer workers on Sunday morning we managed to Re-seed and Top Dress our number 2 green which, weather permitting, will be ready to bowl on at the end of Jan 2007.
Our last competition for 2006 will be The Joe McCraw 2 wood Singles, which will be in my January Report.
From the Members of Almeria L.B.C may I take this opportunity to wish all the bowlers from La Mata, Indalo and Cabrera, A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year and good bowling for 2007.
A.L.B.C Captain
Joe Pemberton.