November Report 2009
The month commenced with the penultimate inter-club home and away Federation Competitions, the Division of Honour. There is not good news on the results as we came second in both the Cabrera and Indalo meetings. Highlights to mention are the triples team, Jenny Thomson, Jill Atkinson and Shelagh Allen who won, Jim Pike and Ann Tuplin drew at Cabrera. We had a notable win at Indalo when John Compton, Les Pratchett, Mike Hendry and yours truly in the fours. Jim Pike and Joan Parsons lost by one shot after an epic battle. At home against Indalo, Colin Wright and Pat Beattie in the pairs and Brian Lovett in the singles had very good wins.
Over the years the above and many other events under the Federation banner have taken place, giving a lot of very competitive, but friendly occasions between all local clubs. The FEB still exists and for those who would like to compete, please observe that the player will pay the full cost per year of 24 euro. Details of events will be found on the clubhouse notice board. However the inter-club FAB games are now dead
From 2010 the new minimum cost organisation, Almeria Lawn Bowls Club Association, [ALBCA], will commence. To start off this new organisation an Inaugural Competition will take place on the 10th January at Cabrera where all clubs are invited. Please keep your eye on development as they are published and displayed on the notice board and will also be on our website when more information is received.
Although the reports and photographs are well publicised on club notice board and our web site, the results of the various competitions, which took place during November, are as follows.
The Joe McCraw Two Wood Singles was played early in the month over three days resulting in Brian Franklin winning and John Barlow runner up. The Arthur Pinn Pairs another well-subscribed competition also was over three days with eventual winners, Alan Terry and Pat Beattie defeating Colin Wright and the much-improved Carol Roberts in a well-fought battle and entertaining final. The Palace Cup Handicap competition is currently in progress and will be reported in the December report.
We are at the moment having problems with members putting names down for competitions and not being able to compete when teams are published, because of prior medical appointments etc. There is a notice on the notice board titled General Observations for Competitions, which explains the situation and other aspects. If you haven’t read it please can you do so before entering your name on competition selection lists.
Although the inter-club federation games are no longer the FAB competitions, Singles, pairs etc. will live on. On 26th November for four days this years Federation Ladies Pairs took place at Cabrera Bowling Club and Federation Mens Pairs at Indalo. Consider this is competed by arguably the best players in the area our members who took part did very well.
In the Men’s Pairs Graham Patrick partnered with John Fitzgerald reached the final and gave John Colquhoun and John Dedman a battle but could not match the Indalo pair on the last couple of ends.
In the Ladies Pairs, Catherine Patrick and Joan Parsons reached the final against Maureen Stakes with Joan Gardiner from Cabrera. It was played on a very cold and windy Sunday morning. Unfortunately, Catherine and Joan who played extremely well in the end couldn’t match the Cabrera pair.
However well done to all our members who took part and did so well, with Brenda Tidswell, Chris Summers reaching the quarterfinals and Pat Beattie, Patsy Tonkin the semi-final.
This month’s car boot sale was a financial success for the club when 150 euro was taken. Many thanks to Catherine Patrick, May Bush, Margaret McDonald plus others who gave up their time to make this happen.
All it remains to say for this month is that the AGM will be on the Tuesday 8th December at 1800 in Miraflores Ballroom. As Jim has continually reminded us at roll ups etc. this is your chance to ensure the club is managed with the officers of your choice and to suggest changes in policy etc. The latter should now have been completed by written proposals to our secretary Shirley Jackson. Please try and support your club by attending.
Finally our annual Presentation Dinner and Dance is on 17th December again in the Miraflores Ballroom at 1930. Thanks to Ann Tuplin for taking the reins and organising everything required to make this a success. Once again if you have won competitions during the year, please try and attend to collect or nominate someone to do so.
All I can say now is please remember the full reports and photographs will be found on our website bowlingalmeria.comm. and for all of you to have a great Christmas.
Vic Parsons
ALBC Press Officer